Analysis and prospects of innovative activities in Poland and Ukraine


  • J. Tymanowski University of Warsaw
  • I. Pavlenko University of Warsaw



innovation; innovative development; innovation policy; innovation activity


The main objective of this publication is to conduct a comparative analysis of the innovation activity development in Poland and Ukraine in recent years, taking into account many factors affecting this process. One of the main goals, also, is to identify the main factors, both positive and negative, affecting the improvement of the innovative development of the two countries. The main dependences were revealed not only on the availability of own resources and indicators of the development of the country's economic activity, but also on relations with other countries, political influence and international organizations, such as the European Union. The article focuses on the fact that the innovation is defined as the economically successful exploitation of new ideas. The article considers the innovation as a sequence of technical and organizational changes, including, on the one hand, simple modifications of existing products, processes and practices, and on the other, what is new for both: the industry and the company. The implementation of innovations includes a whole range of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities. Considering the tendencies of innovative development of the two countries, there are clear differences in financing and support from the state. Innovation policy plays a very important role in the development of a modern state. It is the scale and the nature of the economic reconstruction of the state, which largely depends on how the innovation policy is implemented.

Author Biographies

J. Tymanowski, University of Warsaw

Doctor of Political science, Professor, Department of Eastern Studies

I. Pavlenko, University of Warsaw

Doctor of Economic sciences, Department of European Union Politics


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