Classification of marketing competitive strategies for health care organizations.


  • A. Mishchuk Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University
  • O. Boienko Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University



typology of competitive strategies, healthcare organization, healthcare service, blockchain technology


The subject of the study is a typology of marketing competitive strategies for healthcare organizations operating in the healthcare market. The article describes general approaches to the formation of M. Porter's competitive strategies, on the basis of which groups of healthcare organizations are identified, in which it is possible to use basic competitive strategies – cost leadership, differentiation, focus. The author interpreted M. Porter's generic strategies for health care organizations on the basis of a study of the conceptualstructure of competition in the health care market and identified the main strategies based on three competitive advantages - quality of healthcare services, improvement of the process of creating healthcare services, differentiation of healthcare services. Criteria for organizing and grouping competitive marketing strategies for healthcare organizations are proposed: cost orientation, focus on service quality, consumer oriented. The developed classification is based on the study of different models of competition and considers the peculiarities of the medical field. Separately, the author focuses on comparing «Red ocean» and «Blue ocean» strategies and examines the possibilities of introducing streamlined database technology (blockchain) in developing competitive strategies for health care organizations. The advantages of the combination of Blue ocean strategy and blockchain technology are substantiated in the article.

Author Biographies

A. Mishchuk, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

Post-graduate student

O. Boienko, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

Head of Marketing Department, PhD, Associate Professor


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