Structural transformations of financial systems under conditions of global digitalization.
financial systems, digitalization, financial system structure, transformationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the structure of financial systems and the transformations that occur in them under the influence of global digitalization. In the article, existing approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept "financial system" are systematized. It is noted that the world and regional financial systems consist of two levels: national financial systems of the countries of the world or a separate region; and international finance, which are reflected in funds centralized at the world or regional levels and financial resources. Approaches to the systematization of structural elements of financial systems existing in national and foreign schools are considered. Based on the analysis of the transformations that are currently taking place in the world financial system, new characteristics are identified that it acquires in the context of globalization. It is proved that the role of information and communication technologies is becoming more and more relevant in today's globalized world.References
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