Statistical modeling of volumes of consumption of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine.


  • A. Deina Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


volumes of consumption of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine, gas import, the correlation and regression analysis, DuPont index functional model


The article is devoted to an energy saving problem in Ukraine which has a great importance in achievement of energy independence today. Recently energy saving was reached by introduction of extensive measures, the problem of reduction of volumes of consumption of energy resources remains relevant for Ukraine. In the article the model of dependence of consumption of volumes of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine from other factors by means of the correlation and regression analysis is constructed, the influence of each of them on productive sign is defined, the DuPont index functional model is adapted which has defined the influence of various factors on dynamics of volumes of gas import to Ukraine. The received results of a research have allowed to reveal problems of energy saving and energy efficiency in Ukraine. Measures for increase in energy saving and energy efficiency in Ukraine are proposed.

Author Biography

A. Deina, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

аспірант кафедри бізнес-статистики та економічної кібернетики


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