Peculiarities and prospects of development of industrial processing of natural resources in the region.


  • O.M. Shubalyi Луцький національний технічний університет
  • P.M. Kosinskyi Луцький національний технічний університет


balanced development, natural resources, processing enterprises, industry, natural resource potential


It is determined that the prospects of social and economic growth of the Volyn region are associated with the development of links of natural and economic complexes based on the provision of in-depth industrial processing of all components of natural resource potential based on the consideration of advanced foreign experience and in the context of progress through the European integration of Ukraine.

The purpose of this article is to study the features and determine the prospects for the development of industries for industrial processing of natural resources on an example of a separate region - Volyn region.

The analysis of activity of enterprises on processing of forest resources and agricultural raw materials, as well as prospects of development of enterprises of light and food industry, other types of economic activities that provide industrial processing of natural resources are studied. It is revealed that the Volyn Oblast has a favorable economic and geographical position, has a favorable temperate continental climate, is provided with land, forest and water resources, has significant reserves of mineral raw materials and recreational resources. Therefore, the enterprises of agriculture and forestry, woodworking, food, light and food industries dominate Volhynia.

Currently, the food industry based on the processing of natural raw materials is objectively considered the basic link of the natural and economic complex of the region. Nevertheless, the negative trend of development of this type of economic activity is the reduction of the share of ready-made food products in the overall structure of exports. Also, there are positive trends in the development of agricultural products processing. Flour mills, sugar production enterprises operate successfully on the territory of the region. The modern bioethanol production plant, which is capable of providing a complete production cycle, has begun. The activity on restoration of flaxseed, legalization of extraction and processing of amber was intensified. Significant reserves of further development of processing industries based on the use of local natural raw materials.

In order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of processing industries within the natural and economic complexes of the region, it is expedient, on the example of developed European countries, to proceed to the implementation of a strategy of balanced development, which involves maintaining a balance between rational use and protection (reproduction) of natural resources.

In order to stimulate the development of industries for the industrial processing of natural resources at the regional level, it is proposed to provide: technical and technological modernization of their material and technical base on the basis of introduction of modern innovative solutions, harmonization of interests of purchasers and processors of natural resources, improvement of product quality to European standards, attraction of additional investments in development of productions with a high degree of added value, ensuring extended reproduction, rational use of t and proper protection of all kinds of natural resources of the region. All these measures need to be implemented systematically and comprehensively, in order to prevent imbalances in the development of individual parts of the natural and economic complexes in the region.

Author Biographies

O.M. Shubalyi, Луцький національний технічний університет

D.Sc (Economics), доцент, завідувач кафедри економіки

P.M. Kosinskyi, Луцький національний технічний університет



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