Structural content of manager`s professional competences in the strategy coordinates of enterprise development: innovative approach.


  • L.M. Karpenko Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine


strategies, competencies, strategic alternatives, competency principles, administration, innovation and investment development, securities portfolio, management personnel, innovative management, structural content, professional competence


There are many different components of difficult and purposeful process, such as transformational period in Ukraine economy, constant process of structural reconstruction of economy, the condition of dynamic and turbulent nature of genesis of competitive market sphere. These process dictate necessity of innovative way of domestic enterprises regeneration, promotes an economical and social development of the country. Modern Ukraine economy requires radical structural changes at the expense of formation and implementation of innovative model of enterprises development.

The purpose of the work is to study the competence of the administration of the enterprise innovation and investment development in the coordinates of sustainable development, in particular: systematization of the totality of management personnel competencies as part of the innovation component, which should ensure the formation of directions of innovation activity, the definition of strategic innovation goals and innovative strategy of the enterprise; studying the process of forming a securities portfolio and managing them in accordance with the requirements of competence in terms of the procedures implementation of each of its stages; analysis of the structural content of professional competencies in administering the strategy process of innovation and investment development at industrial enterprises in terms of performing scheduling, forecasting, organizing, analyzing, controlling functions.

The methodological approaches to the strategy of innovative and investment development of industrial enterprises, in particular, its budgetary basis and methodological basis of the managerial analysis of the innovative and investment activity of the enterprise, are substantiated. This proved that the strategy of activation of innovative and investment development is part of the strategic development of the entire process of industrial enterprise development, which is characterized by a functional outline and tools. In particular, the management analysis of innovation and investment activity of the enterprise systematically uses traditional and new methods of financial and economic calculations (investment, marketing and financial and investment analysis) and considers the efficiency criteria for activating innovation and investment development around the four poles of strategic management (internal coordination mechanism, procedures Incentive system, information system, decision-making structure).

The mechanism of the process administration of assessing the effectiveness of the innovation and investment development strategy of the industrial enterprise on the basis of competence principles, recognizing the objective character of the knowledge on strategic integration, innovation and investment management, as well as the mandatory multi-site approach to strategic management according to the scheme of changing management tasks is developed and substantiated “Consultant – theorist – expert – analyst – client – organizational manager”.

Results of research can be used for acceptance of justified managerial decisions of innovative development of enterprises, administrative control of functioning of the organisation.

Author Biography

L.M. Karpenko, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine

Doctor in Economics, Associate Professor of Business Economics, Department of the Management of Foreign Economic and Innovative Activity


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