Indicative monitoring and evaluation of quality of formation of the use of human capital in Ukraine.


  • O. Biletskiy Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)


labor potential, formation of labor potential, use of labor potential, indicative monitoring of quality of formation and use of the human capital, clustering of regions


During the research it is established that definition of strategic priorities and purposes of socially economic and personnel policy in the country, the region and the company in the context of ensuring development and use of the human capital have to be based on reliable estimates of the existing labor potential and tendencies of its development. It is proved need of development scientifically - methodical approach to definition of an integrated index of assessment of formation and use of the human capital and its monitoring.

Indicative assessment of monitoring of formation and use of the human capital is offered to be considered as periodically repeating in time for the specific subject (the state, the region, the enterprises) assessment of a level and tendencies of formation and use of the human capital on the basis of an integrated index which is formed of the corresponding indicators and reflects quality of these processes.

The scheme of indicative monitoring assessment of quality of formation and use of the human capital is developed. Practical implementation of this scheme will allow to take the corresponding measurements and to define (if necessary) regional distinctions of an index for the purpose of their further use at justification of the optimum scenario of development of the human capital from the point of view of innovative economy. The scale of a clustering of regions on quality of formation and use of the human capital is offered.

Author Biography

O. Biletskiy, Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)

к.е.н., асистент


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