Development of innovative strategy on industrial enterprises.
innovation strategy, innovation, innovation activities, innovation policy, marketing conceptAbstract
The factors that influence the formation of the innovation strategy are revealed: external and internal factors. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the potential of the region for its weak and strong sides, the features of the territory and the use of the resources of the region. The characteristic of the marketing concept and the concept of technological pushing, which depends on the type of innovative product and the situation prevailing at the moment in the market, is given. Factors are singled out: the demand vector, improvement of output, quality control, indicators of regulatory documentation that affect the quality of products. The role of the state in the state innovation policy is shown, which is realized in three main directions: ensuring innovation activity, forming the target program, stimulating state support. Qualification state measures of influence on innovation activity are also considered. The schemes of innovative strategies of leadership and imitation are given. The leadership strategy is aimed at developing and researching the product, and imitating strategy is used when the technical documentation is used for the first time at the enterprise, but the market is already known. A set of measures is proposed to attract new innovative projects.References
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