Peculiarities of recruiting in Ukraine in the current economic conditions.


  • Ya. Siemieniak Донецький національний університет


Recruiting, Employment, Labor Marketplace, recruiting services, recruitment agency, competence, organization


The article analyzes the degree of knowledge of aspects of the recruitment companies in Ukraine. It is established that at present the scope of the investigation of the problems of recruiting services do not pay enough attention, and industry improving scientific knowledge of human services is relatively new, which necessitates a thorough study of the characteristics and trends of modern recruiting. The effect of employment on the economic development of the state, determined by the place of recruitment services in the employment system at the state level and the enterprise. Providing the classification of the services provided by domestic employment agencies. It was determined that in today's economic transformation, enterprises are increasingly attracted by recruitment agencies to find the necessary human resources. However, analysis of the domestic market of recruiting services showed poor quality of services. On the basis of three parameters are proposed affecting the efficiency of interaction of the recruiting company and the client, namely the increase in profit agencies, as well as the quality and speed of customer service. To achieve speed and quality should be introduced in the recruitment process mathematical model and provide structured technology, as well as to conduct further scientific and practical research and a comprehensive study of the problematic aspects of recruiting services in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Ya. Siemieniak, Донецький національний університет

аспірантка, економічний факультет


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