Characteristics of formation social brand city.


  • V. Boychenko Донецький національний університет


city brand, social, branding areas, social development, human development, quality of life


The article studied the concept of brand and branding areas. The specific features of formation of the brand of the city, the main tasks and the stages of its construction. Spend a grouping of city brand, depending on the key areas and the results of the impact of their implementation. The examples of the creation of the most famous and successful urban brands in the world. It is proved that one of the most successful forms of branding areas, is a social brand of the city. Keywords: brand the city, social, branding areas, social development, human development, quality of life. It was found its place and role in ensuring a high level of economic development of the territory and the quality of life. A model social city brand, which includes goals, objectives, principles and structural elements, as well as short-term and long-term results from its formation and implementation. The main subjects of the formation of social brand for the city of spheres of influence and its key customers.

Author Biography

V. Boychenko, Донецький національний університет



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