Competitiveness of touristic destinations.


  • O. Tregubov Донецький національний університет


competitiveness, tourist destination, tourism, cluster, competitive advantages, "economics of participation"


The article describes the features of competitiveness of tourist destinations. It outlines the main factors of competitiveness in tourism at the level of tourist destinations. It contains a suggestion that the local population of tourist destinations be included in the scheme of the basic competitive forces that determine competition between destinations. A new scheme to attract local people to tourism activities in order to increase the competitiveness of destinations has been put forward. It has been determined that one of the ways of forming local people’s hospitable attitude to tourists is to make them interested in the tourist flow growing and to raise the participation of local people in tourism activities. There have been singled out the following ways to increase the involvement of local communities in the development of a tourist destination within the framework of the theory of "economics of participation": creating new jobs in the tourism industry and financial incentives for the local population, including the multiplier effect.

Author Biography

O. Tregubov, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємства


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Економіка участі [Електронний ресурс] / Доступ до ресурсу http://

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