Development of labour potential of Ukraine in aspect of modern sociocultural transformations.


  • H. Bei Донецький національний університет


labor potential, sociocultural components of labor potential, professional culture, motivation to work, the professional choice, small reference groups


In article scientific-theoretical justification of a perspective of sociocultural influence on formation and development of labor potential is presented, features of sociocultural components and sociocultural factors of labor capacity of Ukraine are considered. Assessment of the importance of social and cultural components of labor potential at the present stage of formation of the Ukrainian society is executed, needs of overcoming negative influence of sociocultural split is proved, change of an index of sociocultural components of labor potential is analysed. The interpretation of influence of small reference groups on development of labor potential is presented, positive and negative consequences of belonging of the population to these or those subcultures in aspect of formation of own labor potential and the relation to work are noted. The directions of use of sociocultural levers on development of labor potential taking into account current trends are offered and possibilities of further theoretical and practical researches in this direction are defined.

Author Biography

H. Bei, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., доцент


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