Transformation of higher education in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law


  • L.V. Yurchyshena Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • T.S. Karpova Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



higher education, higher education institutions, NMT, accreditation of educational programs, development, applicants, teachers, military operations, transformation, strategy


The article identifies the main problems of the higher education system during period of martial law: damage of the physical and mental health of participants in the educational process, the destruction of educational institutions, the outflow of teachers and students abroad, the inability to continue study in conditions of constant air raids and shelling, a decrease in educator’s motivation and productivity. The existing changes in the education system made by the government and the Ministry of Education and Culture were analyzed: an increase in the education costs by an average of 10%, the introduction of the grants system for education if high NMT (national multidisciplinary test) scores are obtained, unification and reduction of the number of existing higher education institutions almost in 2 times. According to the authors, effective directions for transformation of the higher education system are proposed: support for students, reconstruction of affected higher education institutions, creation conditions for transformation the higher education system by moderating higher education institutions network, support of European partners, strengthening of interaction with practice bases for students (dual education), approximation of the content of educational and professional standards to EU standards, building a system of easy and effective access to higher education from all regions of our country and also from abroad, as well as strengthening requirements for the training level of applicants. According to authors, the primary steps should be: the preservation of the scientific and pedagogical composition and potential of higher education institutions, the acceleration of the development of higher education quality in today’s difficult conditions and the increase of the quality of higher education through modernization of the institution’s network and effective state support.

Author Biographies

L.V. Yurchyshena , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, associate professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Banking

T.S. Karpova , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Finance and Banking Department


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