Integration of elements of the EU cohesion policy in the strategic planning of the post-war recovery of the economic space of the regions of Ukraine
region, post-war recovery, interterritorial interaction, regional economic space, regional strategy, regional stakeholders, EU cohesion policyAbstract
The article analyzes the forecasts of changes in GDP in Ukraine during the war, calculated according to the data of the IMF, the World Bank and the Government of Ukraine. A comparison of forecasts with real GDP shows the stability of Ukraine's economy. The main principles and objectives of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine are outlined. The regional development strategies for the period 2021-2027, approved at the level of all regional state administrations, which, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, should be updated taking into account the needs of regional development caused by the impact of the war, were analyzed. It has been proven that the basis of work on strategies should be a European approach of cohesion, which requires adequate administrative capacity at the level of programs and projects, the creation of prudent financial management systems, as well as compliance with other requirements, in particular in the field of environmental protection and public procurement.
A scheme of strategic analysis and determination of strategic priorities for the development of the economic space of the region has been developed. A model of coordination of interests in the strategic management of the development of the economic space of the region has been developed.
It is substantiated that the management of the post-war transformation and development of the economic space of the regions of Ukraine is possible within the framework of strategic planning and management of the development of the regions, when the interests of not only the regions and the administrative units included in them, but also the economic agents operating in them are fully taken into account, and mechanisms of interterritorial interaction are also being actively implemented. Integrating these aspects requires a deep understanding of the needs of the regions and contributes to the creation of an enabling environment for sustainable development.
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