Innovative entrepreneurship as a component of national economy development strategy
innovative entrepreneurship, business, innovative activity, innovative space, national economy, strategic development, developmentAbstract
It has been proven that innovative activity acts as a tool that accompanies business processes and activities of entrepreneurs.Attention is focused on the fact that in the conditions of modern challenges, it is the innovative model of entrepreneurship development that can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of domestic products and services and should be taken into account when forming strategic vectors for the development of the country's economy.It was established that the rapid development of science and technology, transformations in the field of digitalization create additional prerequisites for the application of the latest approaches to the development of the business environment.The theoretical basis of innovative entrepreneurship was studied and the variety of interpretations of this term was noted.Attention is focused on functional and process approaches.The main characteristic features of innovative entrepreneurship are highlighted.Focusing on the fact that innovative entrepreneurship is the backbone of the effective development of the national economy, the level of innovativeness of the country was investigated.The results of the calculation of the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the ranking of Ukraine by individual components of innovative activity in dynamics were analyzed.The state's place among the TOP-3 innovative economies by group of countries (according to the level of income per capita) was studied.Based on the results of research and the presence of modern challenges for economic development, the need for the formation and implementation of measures (within the framework of the state economic policy) aimed at the activation of innovative activity in entrepreneurship, capable of ensuring the balanced development of this sphere in Ukraine, was noted.It is emphasized that they should be comprehensive and systematic.Attention is focused on the fact that the reconstruction of the national economy, in particular the entrepreneurial sphere, is impossible without modern innovative approaches, technologies, tools and the latest management concepts, the practical implementation of which involves the introduction of appropriate measures.A set of such measures is proposed, which are systematized by blocks (technological and administrative).This will enable the integration of achievements both in the field of science and technology and in the field of management for the development of an innovative economy.
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