Analysis of Ukraine's positions in the development of the information sector of the economy: international and regional aspects


  • V. Martinovych Cherkasy State Technological University



information economy, international ratings, regional indices, digitalization, innovations, progressive technologies, development


The article examines the features of the information sector of the economy and determines the relevance of determining the country's place in the world market of information technologies. It has been established that world ratings and indices are an effective source of information about the innovative potential of each country, the dynamics of its development, and also act as a lever for the formation of opportunities for increasing competitive advantages in this area. The rating of the world indices of the development of the information economy of Ukraine for the period 2018-2023 was analyzed and it was determined that Ukraine is increasing the potential of digital development in the country every year, but during the period of the full-scale war it has noticeably weakened its position regarding the development of human capital, which requires a revision of the legislative norms on state level. It was determined that Ukraine has a certain innovative potential that needs state support. The state of the information economy was analyzed regionally according to the index of digital transformation, and the leading regions were determined according to the analyzed indicators.

Author Biography

V. Martinovych , Cherkasy State Technological University

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, doctoral student, associate professor of
the Department of Economics and Management


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