Components of improving virtual team management efficiency in the context of modern challenges and threats


  • Hanna Bei Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • Angelika Synychenko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



virtual teams, efficiency, team building, management, motivation, technological infrastructure, digitalisation, remote interaction


The article is devoted to the issues of improving virtual team management efficiency, considering context of external factors and threats. The article substantiates growing interest of organisations in virtual teams, examines features of ‘virtual team’ concept, as well as promising types of teams in the modern world. It is found that despite significant advantages and opportunities of virtual teams, due to the unwillingness of management systems to overcome the existing limitations of their use, the efficiency of using virtual teams remains low. The key limitations of virtual team’s introduction and management tools that can be applied to eliminate them are identified. The effectiveness of common technological and software tools for ensuring remote interaction is considered, the advantages and disadvantages of their use are outlined. A study of the effectiveness of the use of virtual teams in the IT industry of Ukraine is carried out, additional threats and problems of ensuring effective teamwork of remote teams in wartime are identified. Recommendations are developed to overcome the limitations of the effectiveness of team interaction and improve it in the current conditions.

Author Biographies

Hanna Bei , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Behavioral Economics

Angelika Synychenko , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Behavioural Economics


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