The mission of social entrepreneurship as a tool for managing the economy under martial law
social entrepreneurship; economy; economic management; macroeconomic indicators; social policy; entrepreneurship; labor marketAbstract
The study is devoted to the justification of the specific mission of social entrepreneurship in the conditions of war. The social entrepreneurship is proposed to be considered as one of the progressive tools of management of the economy of Ukraine, the expansion of the scope of which will contribute to the improvement of macroeconomic indicators and obtaining important results of the socio-economic direction. The dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators in Ukraine in 2022-2023 were analyzed and the consensus forecast of their changes for 2024-2026 was considered. The state reform of entrepreneurship and the labor market in Ukraine was identified as the basis for the development of social entrepreneurship in the conditions of war. It is emphasized that the modern mission of social entrepreneurship is directly related to the support of the policy of social quality, the implementation of current social priorities and the strengthening of the state social policy.
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