Problems and prospects of realizing the educational and professional potential of Ukraine in the context of ensuring social security


  • L. Lisogor National Institute for Strategic Studies
  • V. Potapenko National Institute for Strategic Studies



educational and occupational potential; vocational education; social security; risks; competitiveness; labour market


The article is devoted to the research of the specifics of the realization of the educational and occupational potential of Ukraine, which takes into account the possibilities of ensuring the social security of the country. Factors influencing the formation, realization and development of educational and occupational potential have been identified and systematized, taking into account the existing risks and threats to social security. Based on the generalization of existing approaches to the study of problems of education and professional development, it is proposed to single out economic, demographic, social, institutional, infrastructural, innovative factors and factors of external influence on the educational and occupational potential of the country. The main risks in the field of education and professional development, due to the impact of the war and prospects for ensuring the success of post-war reconstruction, have been identified. The different intensity of the influence of internal and external factors on the formation, implementation and development of educational and occupational potential at the macro-, meso-, micro- and personal levels is substantiated. Recommendations and proposals for ensuring the conditions for the realization of educational and occupational potential in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction in the future are offered.

Author Biographies

L. Lisogor , National Institute for Strategic Studies

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Center of the Internal Political

V. Potapenko , National Institute for Strategic Studies

Doctor of Economics, Senior Scientific Associate, Head of the Center of the Internal Political


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