The essence of anti-crisis personnel management
crisis; anti-crisis management; anti-crisis management; personnel management; anti-crisis personnel managementAbstract
The study is devoted to the analysis of scientists' approaches to defining the concept of anti-crisis personnel management. It is substantiated that the view of anti-crisis personnel management as a purely reaction to financial and economic crises at the enterprise is narrow, and in view of the wide field of economic, financial, social, political, military-power, technological, natural-ecological - external, as well as internal the crisis must be expanded. It is also shown that the sources of some internal crises at enterprises can be problems of personnel management (deficit / surplus of personnel, crises of personnel quality, crises of motivation and involvement of personnel, crises of labor and production organization, socio-psychological crises). Based on the analysis of scientific publications and systematization of the types of crises that lead to the need for anti-crisis personnel management, an author's definition of anti-crisis personnel management is provided: anti-crisis personnel management is a system of monitoring, prevention, response to external and internal crises with the aim of eliminating the causes and reducing the effects of crises on the state of human resources in the organization, their mobilization to overcome the crisis situation.
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