Development of the economic space of Ukrainian regions through the activation of business and education partnership
economic space; region; business; education; strategic partnership; development; UkraineAbstract
The advancement of the economic space in the regions of Ukraine under contemporary conditions has been demonstrated to be achievable exclusively through the intensification of collaborative relationships between educational institutions and business entities within the region. The content of three prevalent and effective forms of education-business partnerships has been identified and analyzed. The first selected form involves the creation and implementation of joint projects between businesses and educational institutions. The second form entails the introduction of a dual education system across a broad spectrum of specialties. The third form of partnership is associated with the development of joint educational programs by representatives of both the education and business sectors within the region. Competitive advantages derived from partnerships and the practical implementation of these three distinct forms have been systematically organized for educational institutions and business entities within the region. It is established that the collective impact of competitive advantages acquired by each party will contribute specific influencing factors to the development of the economic space within the region. An analysis of self-assessment information from two educational and scientific programs that have received exemplary accreditation certificates has been conducted, focusing on their partnerships with business representatives. Attention is directed towards pathways for the further development of collaborative relationships between educational institutions and businesses.
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