Problems and prospects of ukrainian companies entering the global real estate market


  • A. Ye. Ishchuk HEALTHJOY, LLC



global real estate market; real estate objects; residential real estate; real estate companies; real estate agencies


The article deals with the problems and prospects of integrating the Ukrainian real estate market into the global one. Systemic and behavioral approaches are combined in creating the paradigm of the modern world real estate market, which, complementing each other, allow to expand the theoretical base of research. The main modern trends of the world real estate market and the factors affecting them are revealed. The specific features of the development of the Ukrainian real estate market are indicated, which, despite certain defects, is gradually integrating into the world market. It is established that the main problem of the domestic real estate market, which hinders the movement of companies to foreign markets, is its opacity. In order to solve it, we emphasized the special role of state regulation in two interrelated areas of the market – new construction and real estate activity. Along with this, there is a need to monitor the activities of the real estate agency on the entire market in order to prevent the conclusion of too risky or overly profitable, but dubious deals.

Author Biography

A. Ye. Ishchuk , HEALTHJOY, LLC

Middle Customer Support Representative


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