Formation and use of the business risks monitoring system as a key to the sustainable development of business structures


  • P. Pererva National Technical University "KhPI"
  • L. Shaulska Taras Shevchenko National University
  • T. Kobielieva National Technical University "KhPI"



monitoring; business risks; sustainable development; business structures


The article examines the theoretical and methodological issues of monitoring business risks in order to ensure the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise. The methodological essence of entrepreneurial risks has been studied and methodological recommendations regarding their monitoring have been provided. Possibilities of managing the state, areas of occurrence and consequences of business risks are determined. It is proposed to define entrepreneurial risk entrepreneurial risk as the danger of unforeseen losses of expected profit, income or property, funds in connection with a random change in the conditions of economic activity, adverse circumstances. An original approach to monitoring business risks has been developed, which is based on a hierarchy of structural levels of sustainable development: country – region – enterprise – individual indicators of sustainable development. An algorithm for the practical monitoring of business risks has been formed, and the main stages of its implementation in business structures have been defined and substantiated. The main stages of this algorithm include the strategic goal of the business structure and the direction in which the practical implementation of the monitoring strategy will be assessed; development of a system of evaluation indicators for monitoring business risks in the context of individual areas; method of evaluating each indicator using primary information; the procedure of comparing the actual state of indicators of economic monitoring of business risks with their predicted (desired) state and evaluating the results of this comparison. A model for calculating an integral indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of monitoring entrepreneurial risks in the business structure is proposed.

Author Biographies

P. Pererva , National Technical University "KhPI"

Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department

L. Shaulska , Taras Shevchenko National University

Doctor of Economics, Professor

T. Kobielieva , National Technical University "KhPI"

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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