Strategic and tactical issues of successful business transformation in the conditions of new digital reality


  • H. Bei Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



digital economy; business transformation; breakthrough technologies; strategy; information systems


The article considers characteristics and key issues of successful business transformation in the digital economy and the emergence of new challenges of socio-economic development. It is proved that the development of the digital economy is accelerating due to the influence of the widespread spread of information, communication and breakthrough technologies, the emergence of a combinatorial effect based on them, which allows to obtain many new technological and managerial solutions. The nature of justified changes accompanying economic activity of business entities in the new environment, changes in the market model of economic behavior, technological infrastructure, business processes and key industries that are most affected by the breakthrough digital technologies are defined. Typical trends in the implementation of digital transformations in various industries are presented and the factors that allow to achieve success in the implementation of digital transformation projects and development degree of the basic digital infrastructure are analyzed. The main provisions of the successful digital business transformations implementation from the point of view of strategic vision are formulated and the priority tactical issues of achieving the desired level of competitiveness and maintaining leadership positions are identified.

Author Biography

H. Bei, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту та поведінкової економіки


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How to Cite

Бей , Г. 2021. Strategic and tactical issues of successful business transformation in the conditions of new digital reality. Economiсs and organization of management. 4(40) (Jun. 2021), 260-270. DOI:


