Sociial and economic determinants of human potential development of territories: theoretical and applied aspect
social and economic determinants of human potential development; human potential of territories; the concept of human development; theories of economic growthAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the social and economic determinants of the human potential of territories development from the standpoint of the modern human-centered concept economic and regional growth. The interrelation of economic growth modern theories and spatial development theories with the human potential of territories (regions) development is analyzed, on the basis of which social and economic determinants of human potential development are substantiated, which determine the need, conditions and parameters for its formation. Several indicators for evaluation and measurement of social and economic determinants of human potential development have been separated, grouped into four blocks of indicators (economic and spatial development, level of well-being, development of knowledge and creative economy), its theoretical and methodological substantiation has been carried out. In order to test the proposed approach, a comparative analysis and assessment of social and economic determinants of human potential development of the regions selected by typical characteristics. Based on the results of calculating the general index of social and economic determinants of regional human development, problem areas have been identified, the regulation of which requires increased attention of regional authorities in the context of developing and improving strategic programs for regional development
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