Social entrepreneurship: theoretical and practical aspects
social entrepreneurship; organizational and legal forms; vulnerable categories of the population; social mission; charitable organizations; traditional businessAbstract
The article defines the historical retrospective of the emergence of social entrepreneurship. Approaches to the definition of the concept of "social entrepreneurship" are given and characterized, namely: broad, combined, innovative, problem-oriented. The author's definitions of the essence of the category "social entrepreneurship" are presented. The main types of activities of social enterprises are listed, according to three sectors of the national economy: state, business and the third sector. The main differences between social entrepreneurship and charitable organization and traditional business are revealed. The key characteristics of organizations that are engaged in social entrepreneurship are given. The current trends in the development of foreign social entrepreneurship are determined. The dynamics of the number of social enterprises in Ukraine is analyzed. The main organizational and legal forms of functioning of social enterprises in Ukraine are presented. The main types of activities of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are revealed. The article analyzes the issue of the difficulties of founding domestic social entrepreneurship. Current problems and obstacles in social entrepreneurship are presented. The directions that contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship have been identified.
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