Development of cooperation between Visegrad Four and Ukraine in the sphere of real economy in the context of Eastern Partnership
car manufacturing industry; high-speed rail line; Visegrad Four; global production network; economic integration; small and medium businesses; science-intensive production; Poland; Eastern Partnership; Hungary; Ukraine; Czech RepublicAbstract
The article aims to resolve the problem of Eastern Partnership orientation at production sphere development. The study provides an assessment of Visegrad Four’s experience of attaining the positions of the fifth largest economy in the EU and the twenty-fifth largest economy in the world. The authors single out the factors of V4’s sustainable development related to market openness for transnational investors and leading growth of science-intensive industries. Significant developments took place in the machine-building industry and especially transport vehicle production, production of electrical, electronic and optical devices, chemical and food industries, and power generation. In terms of vehicle production volumes in the countries of V4, Czechia ranks the 5th, Slovakia 7, Poland the 8th, and Hungary the 9th in the EU; respectively, Czechia holds the 17th, Slovakia the 21st , Poland the 22nd, and Hungary the 23rd position in the world. The authors conclude that the creation of local and regional production networks in 1990s and their inclusion in global networks since 2000s allowed the countries of V4 to create linkages with Western Europe and formed the economic basis for the development of integration processes leading to the EU accession in 2004.
The conceptual approaches with respect to Ukraine consist in the priority development of Eastern Partnership with Visegrad Four in the direction of structural transformation via restoration or creation of science-intensive production industries, primarily car manufacturing, with new productions being developed as a component of global networks. The organization of parts, components, semi-finished goods, and accessories manufacturing could serve as an impetus for this process. Taking into account the large and increasing demand for such goods, the development of this direction can be facilitated by providing incentives for small and medium businesses.
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