Business planning as a tool of financial stability enterprise in the conditions instability of the ukrainian economy
economic instability; business planning; financial plan; financial stabilityAbstract
During the period of economic and financial instability in Ukraine, the first priority is to plan the activities of business entities in the changing conditions of the country's economic development. In this situation, a special approach to organizing the process of making optimal management decisions and finding tools that can ensure their implementation is necessary. Low profitability and solvency, inefficient monetary policy and tax system, lack of an appropriate legislative framework and effective mechanisms for regulating cash flows are the result of financial instability. To ensure financial stability, it is necessary to build an effective enterprise management scheme that operates in the current conditions. The business plan of the enterprise should reflect all the factors that affect its functioning, and first of all, business planning should provide solutions to issues related to improving the financial condition of the enterprise. In this regard, the article pays great attention to improving the effectiveness of financial management as part of business planning. The article is of a scientific and methodological character.
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