Analysis of the logistical market of Ukraine: statistical aspect
logistics; freight forwarding services; LPI; adaptive forecasting models; Brown modelAbstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of the domestic logistics market and analyzes the main indicators of logistics efficiency. The influence of transport and forwarding activities on the development of the country's economy was analyzed. The theoretical aspect of freight forwarding services is studied and presents their main type. The article also predicted the future values of the main indicators of the logistics market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of development of the logistics market in Ukraine, study of freight forwarding companies, study the theoretical aspect of freight forwarding activities according to current legislation of Ukraine, classification of major types of freight forwarding services. Scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists are analyzed. The statistical analysis of the logistics market of Ukraine is carried out. The dynamics of the development of the logistics market of Ukraine is studied with the help of the Logistics Efficiency Index and its forecast values for the future are made. The structure of the main indicators of the Logistics Efficiency Index is analyzed and the strengths and weaknesses of the domestic market of logistics services are identified.
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