Socio-economic determinants of the society’s innovative development under deepening technoglobalism


  • I. Akhnovska Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • O. Bratslavets Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



innovative development; technoglobalism; community development; new technologies; development; science


The article highlights the innovative development of the society under the process technoglobalism deepening. The authors offer the approach to determine the level of innovative development of the society by the method of multidimensional average. Peculiarities of the country’s innovative development and the necessity to invest in education have been scrutinized. Interpreting peculiarities of the concept of technoglobalism are covered in the study. A number of recommendations are suggested for consideration to increase the innovative attractiveness of Ukraine in the context of techno-globalization. In the course of research, a number of socio-economic determinants of the society’s innovative development are identified, id est: the number of employees, involved in the implementation of the scientific research, with a scientific degree; costs of research and development; costs of industrial enterprises for innovation; the share of the number of innovatively active enterprises in the total number of industrial enterprises; the Gross Domestic Product; budget deficit and public debt, where the former and the later are referred to as disincentives.

Author Biographies

I. Akhnovska, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н, доцент

O. Bratslavets, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

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