Team and individual coaching as a technology of strategic management of the organization
technology; coaching; teaching method; coach; team; efficiency; business processes; strategic managementAbstract
The article substantiates the effectiveness of the introduction of coaching technology in the activities of the organization. It is assumed that coaching is a system of principles and methods aimed at stimulating the development of the potential capabilities of a modern organization, its personnel and a specific employee.
The characteristics of the factors of influence of coaching on the development of the enterprise, methods of work as individually with top managers, individual specialists, teams are considered. The methods of work of coaches, the features of their field of activity are characterized.
An algorithm for the work of team coaching is proposed: analysis of the situation and express diagnostics of the state, the formation of alternative proposals, the implementation of the plan and an increase in the system of responsibility, the choice of the program, the evaluation of the results. The key characteristics are determined and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology of individual and team coaching are given. The features are investigated and the results of the introduction of coaching in the activities of the organization are formulated. A number of recommendations and proposals for the practical implementation of some of them have been proposed.
The positive influence of coaching on the activities of a modern organization has been proven. Possible positive effects from the implementation of management technologies of coaching on the formation of strategic plans, the development of the personality of leaders (top managers) who are aware of the need to improve their professional skills have been identified.
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