Design of business processes as a tool for management of motor transport enterprise
motor transport enterprise; business process; planning; management; system of management of quality; service of motor transport transportationAbstract
In terms of dynamic market development and increase of competitiveness motor transport enterprises (MTE) must use the new tools of management, aim at fulfillment of consumers and improvement of quality of services. The most efficient nowadays is the use of process approach in management — research and planning of business processes of different directions of enterprise.
The relevance of the reseached problem is in the applied usage of modern tools of management for providing an effective arrangement of activity of motor transport enterprise.
The aim of the article is a research of the theoretical and applied aspects of planning of business processes of motor transport enterprise by implementation of the systems of monitoring and cutting-edge methods of management.
On the basis of IDEF0 methodology a basic business process in a motor transport enterprise is designed — "Service of motor transport transportation". The list of major fea tures of quality of service of transportation is formed based on the following: staff, technologies, equipments, resources and control and measuring, which are classified in accordance with the categories of cause and effect diagram. Basic advantages of the system of monitoring of organization of carrying passengers are determined.
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