Management of passenger cars production in the conditions of rationalization of logistics systems
production; passenger car; supply security; cost rationing; management decisionsAbstract
The article estimates the reduction of the inventory system taking into account the deviations of delivery times and in accordance with the approach "just in time". It is substantiated that with the growth of the company's share in the railway car market and the increase in production volumes, the increase in return on investment is limited by the insignificant growth rate of innovation costs. It is concluded that in conditions of fierce competition, the existing organization of the supply process, especially in the production of new products, is not able to contribute to the necessary extent of efficient operation of the enterprise. The analysis of factors of reduction of a variety of systems the components target function of total expenses of supply of manufacture of passenger cars as a component of innovative development in the context of increase of comfort of transportations in the market of railway rolling stock is carried out. It is proposed to reduce the diversity in the logistics system by the method of half division by the method of dichotomy and its rational organization.
The task of calendar planning of production and timely delivery to consumers should be solved taking into account the element of uncertainty of the level of production for the previous period and the number of days remaining until the end of the planned period. The stochastic nature of the provisioning process is taken into account in the efficient operation of strategic stock, which is created in the event of a possible delay in deliveries.
The expediency of introducing into production the optimal number of modifications of passenger cars with rational productivity and minimization of total costs is considered. It is proposed to reduce the excess balances of production stocks of casting for wagons by establishing permanent contractual relations with stable suppliers in the performance of their obligations. Increasing sales of railway cars, increasing market share in the implementation of the company's development strategy will stabilize profit growth over a long period, increase return on equity, modernize and acquire modern fixed assets, replenish intangible assets.
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