Doing marketing research at a bank: justification of the need for carrying out and development of the project


  • O. Tregubov Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • V. Merezhko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University



bank; marketing research; commercial activity; small and medium business; projec


The article deals with the theoretical foundations of performing market research, its specific features with reference to banks, ways and sources to obtain information. The need for market research is explained through an examination of the commercial bank PrivatBank. PrivatBank's activities with the focus on small and medium businesses have proven valid and relevant for carrying out the market research. To conduct market research a project has to be developed, where all the relevant categories are identified: goals, objectives, targets, methods of collecting and processing information, sources of information, time frames and costs. The work schedule and the costs are dealt with in detail. Based on the results of the market research, it is proposed to calculate the forecast values of the indicators that are directly related to the policy of PrivatBank in relation to small and medium businesses. This study will allow the bank to revise its activities in relation to these businesses and strengthen its position in this direction, which will lead to the increase in its overall income.

Author Biography

O. Tregubov, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economic Science, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Corporate and Spatial Department


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