Economic efficiency of Smart city technologies


  • L. Oliinyk Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • R. Berezhok Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University



Smart city; smart city; electronic city; concept; technologies; economic efficiency; competitive city


The article examines the essence of the "Smart city" technology, its economic efficiency and impact on the functioning of the city. Several foreign examples of the use of the “Smart city” technology are analyzed. The main aspects of the functioning of the "smart city" system to achieve maximum efficiency in the development of a particular region (city) are considered. The concept of a “smart city” should ensure the development of society, first of all, in establishing feedback from citizens with representatives of the authorities, for example, in the context of providing administrative services. Separately, strategic approaches to management, the use of technological innovations and the attraction of residents to constant changes, form the basis for the existence of the system and the adaptability of the concept for implementation not only in large cities, but also in regions where it is possible to create technical support for the existence of “Smart City”. The main meaning of creating the concept of "Smart city" is substantiated with the need to ensure in the near future a high quality of life of society through the use of advanced technologies, providing, first of all, safe, economic, environmental functioning of all subsystems of the city's life. Achieving the status of a smart city through reforms in the sector of public services, transport, construction, housing and communal services, energy, medicine, trade, social support of citizens, security, finance, and the like.

Author Biography

L. Oliinyk, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of
Entrepreneurship, Corporate and Spatial Economics


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