Formation and realization of labour potential of regions and communities as a basis for ensuring their sustainable development


  • L. Lisogor National Institute for Strategic Studies
  • V. Nesterenko National Institute for Strategic Studies



labour potential; labour market; vocational education; social and demographic potential; public-private partnership; entrepreneurship; management; community


The paper had considered the problems and factors influencing the development of labour potential at the regional and local levels. The main aim of the research is to determine the specifics of the formation and implementation of labour potential at the level of regions / communities in decentralization; to justify the directions of the improvement of the quality of labour potential in post-crisis conditions. The subject of the study is the determination of the factors influencing the formation and realization of labour potential at the regional / community level. Demographic, economic, social, institutional and infrastructural factors influencing the formation and realization of labour potential at the national, regional and local levels were systematized. It is proved that the formation and realization of labour potential at the national, regional and local levels depends on the coherence of the needs and interests of different stakeholders. It is substantiated that the balance of needs and interests of the population of the region / community depends on the development of public-private partnership. It is determined that the negative influence of demographic factors on the formation and realization of labour potential in crisis conditions is manifested through the deterioration of the quality of sociodemographic potential. The relationship between gross value added, employment rates and the number of vacancies at the regional level is shown. To improve the quality of the demographic component of the labour potential of the region / community, it is recommended to rebuild the infrastructure of health care, to improve the quality of jobs. The directions of stimulating employers for the creation of jobs with higher quality of employment, ways of intensification of entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at improving the quality of community infrastructure, development of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education are proposed. As prospects for further research, the estimation of the opportunities to improve the regulation of labour potential under decentralization is identified. The obtained results can be used in the development of regional development strategies. During the preparation of the article, general scientific research methods were used: comparison, observation to study the relationships of objects; analysis and synthesis; a systematic approach to determine the patterns and trends in the development of research objects.

Author Biographies

L. Lisogor, National Institute for Strategic Studies

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chief Scientist, Department of Regional Strategies, Center for Regional Studies

V. Nesterenko, National Institute for Strategic Studies

Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Regional Strategies, Center for Regional Studies


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