Demographic component of the socio-economic development strategy


  • S. Kozlovskyi Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • A. Nepytaliuk Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University



The social and economic development strategy’s demographic component was investigated, regarding actual conditions. The demographic policy’s role in the system of strategic legislation was clarified and substantiated. The analysis of the population’s main socio-demographic characteristics under conditions of the national economy’s transformations was carried out, taking macroeconomic cyclicality into account. It was substantiated that the demographic strategy’s priorities should be regarded as a multidimensional set of measures to increase life expectancy at birth, to reduce mortality, especially in the economically active population’s stratum as well as in the stratum of children under 5 years of age. The main reasons for the reduction in Ukrainian population over the 1990–2019 period have been identified, considering its natural and mechanical movements. Ukrainian population’s distribution peculiarities were determined, taking its division between the urban and the rural into account. For Ukraine and some Eastern and Central European advanced and emerging market economies, the comparative analysis of the main demographic indicators – in particular the average annual rate of population change, the average fertility rate, the average life expectancy at birth, the average mortality rate (separately for men and women), the average total demographic dependency ratio, the young people dependency ratio, and the elderly dependency ratio as well – was performed. The total demographic dependency ratio in particular Ukrainian administrative-territorial units was analyzed too. The influence of specified social and demographic indicators on the economic growth rates in the context of sustainability theory was investigated. In Ukraine, the human development index’s dynamics and compositional peculiarities were studied, regarding both economic and socio-cultural peculiarities. It was determined that the strategic regulation’s general task in the context of economic development and public production structural optimization was associated with the regulation of demographic determinants.

Author Biographies

S. Kozlovskyi, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

A. Nepytaliuk, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Ph.D. student


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How to Cite

Козловський , С.В. and Непиталюк , А.В. 2020. Demographic component of the socio-economic development strategy. Economiсs and organization of management. 2(38) (Dec. 2020), 6-19. DOI:


