Prospects of biogas market development in Ukraine and abroad.
biogas market, biogas plants, energy cooperative, investments in renewable energy, green tariffAbstract
The energy supply of the population and the global environmental issues are forcing countries to come up with new alternative methods of energy production. Taking into account almost infinite raw materials, the methods of biogas production and processing are becoming more and more relevant for many countries. Favorable changes in the legislation is another factor that encourage investors to set up biogas plants.
The main method of solving the problem is the introduction of efficient waste management to gain a positive economic and environmental impact of biogas production.
The aim of the work is to improve the methods of waste recycling by extracting biogas with further generation of energy in terms of improving the environmental situation.
The scientific article elaborates a system for evaluating the efficiency of implementation of biogas plants at the regional level. The process of formation and management of different types of waste that can be used as biogas feedstock in Ukraine are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of using biogas technologies were evaluated.
A comparison of the European and domestic biogas markets is made.
The economic effect from the construction and exploitation of the biogas plant within the energy cooperative on the territory of the Kremenchug district of Poltava region is estimated.
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