Business education as a key factor for forming a competitive labor market.


  • О. Klimenkova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



business education, competencies, labor market, business competencies, university education, partnership


The article researches the relationship between labor market demand and supply and its imbalance. The purpose of the research is to study the correspondence of the existing competencies of university graduates in comparison with the competencies required by the business environment. The subject of the research is the existing and expected competencies. The discrepancies between the existing competences of university graduates and the skills required in the labor market are shown. It has been proved that the education system needs a reform taking into account a technological and innovative processes development. The concept of business education is offered as a flexible, adaptive education that forms competencies (skills, knowledge and personal qualities of a man) in accordance with the modern requirements of business and taking into account the prospects of economic processes, in the world and national level. The directions of development of modern education are considered, taking into account the needs of enterprises and the economy as a whole. The ways of achievement of conformity of graduates' competences with the requirements of economy according to employers are presented. It is recommended to continue the dialogue in the form of a tripartite partnership state-enterprise-education in order to resolve the sustainable development of all sectors of the economy. The relationship between labor outflow and unbalanced labor market conditions is justified. The vision of foreign and domestic experts on formation of business competencies and competencies of modern youth, differences and coincidences, is presented. The concepts of business education and business competence are outlined as prospects for further research. The needs of studying possibilities of implementing business education programmatic approaches to the formation of business competencies among university graduates have been formed. It is concluded that the real and financial sectors of the economy are one of the most important customers for specialists and they have influence on formation of labor market demand and supply, form the request for qualification of university graduates. The application of the results can be used in development of a business oriented education system. During the writing of the article, general scientific research methods were used: generalization, induction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, opposition

Author Biography

О. Klimenkova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

старший викладач кафедри менеджменту та поведінкової економіки


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