Logistic outsourcing in Ukraine: status and features of development.
outsourcing, insourcing, logistics, logistics outsourcing, LPIAbstract
The article defines the concepts of «outsourcing» and «insourcing», identifies the main types of outsourcing. Outsourcing and insourcing are characterized by a comparative method. It has been determined that outsourcing of logistics services represents a particular trend in Ukraine. This is due to the presence of significant traffic flows and the complexity of production. Five levels of contract logistics are highlighted. The structure of the Ukrainian market of logistics intermediaries is determined. Characteristic for it is the presence of small companies that narrowly specialize in solving local problems. The Logistics Performance Index (LPI) of different countries is considered, which is used to analyze the state of the logistics service in the country. The types of logistics outsourcing for which there is the greatest demand in Ukraine are generalized. The positive consequences of using outsourcing and disadvantages are highlighted.References
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