«Parasitic marketing»: risks and protection algorithm for trademarks.


  • V. Birkentale Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • K. Statkevych Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




«parasitic marketing», brand, trademark, protection of TM, counterfeit goods, antiparasitic actions


The article was analyzed the theoretical and applied aspects of the spread of "parasitic marketing" and its threats to right-holders of trademarks (TM). The main way of protection of TM is their registration. But the prevalence of counterfeit goods in the world, significant economic and image losses of rightsholders, the problem of bringing violators to responsibility make it necessary to study the factors creating conditions for the purchase and sale of counterfeit goods, and determine the algorithm for protection against "parasitic marketing".

The authors were conducted an empirical study (questionnaire), the results of which proved the awareness of the citizens of the high level of falsification of the Ukrainian market of goods and services, the neutral attitude of the Ukrainian to the existence of counterfeit goods. According to the results of the second experimental study – with manipulation over the appearance of the product and a change in the designation of TM - it was determined, that the trademark is the main signal for consumer choice. Low levels of awareness about elements of original TM, legal awareness in the field of intellectual property (IP), awareness of imperfections of the domestic sphere of protection of IP rights, drop in the level of well-being of the population -are grounds for existence and distribution of "parasitic marketing".

In order to avoid negative development scenario, the right-holders of TM are invited to direct their attention to three areas: research of factors of consumer choice; research of risk factors for the appearance of counterfeit goods; formation of their own set of measures aimed at protecting TM against "parasitic marketing" based on the presented algorithm.

Author Biographies

V. Birkentale, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри підприємництва, корпоративної та просторової економіки

K. Statkevych, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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