Opportunities of digital economy and data analytics for ukrainian entrepreneurs.


  • N. Burkina Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University




digital economy, digital transformation, small and medium enterprises, business, digital technologies, Big Data, data analytics, artificial intelligence


The article discusses the basic concepts of the digital economy, analyzes its role in the development of business, including small and medium-sized enterprises, identifies trends that indicate the digitalization of various spheres of public life. Also presented are the results of a study by the International Research and Consulting Company IDC on the dynamics of digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in 13 countries. Two main approaches to data-driven company management are considered: data-driven and data-informed. The role of Big Data in the process of applying data analytics in management is studied. Answers to questions are given - when and why to use Big Data technologies? The main industries that benefit most from the implementation of Big Data in enterprises are considered. The focus is on such areas as retail, education, banking, healthcare and manufacturing. The main methods of data analytics, most often working in different fields, are highlighted. The advantages of introducing tools for working with Big Data and data analysis using modern technologies and artificial intelligence methods for business are determined.

Author Biography

N. Burkina, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, associate professor


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