Modern technologies of personnel development.


  • N. Hutsulyak Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



personnel management, management technologies, management ecosystem, HR strategy, corporate culture, staff competencies, personnel management information system


The development of personnel management technologies is characterized by modern trends. These are: technological progress; mobility and other features of the new generation; new benchmarks in communication and teamwork. These trends are intertwined. Technological progress primarily changes people, their habits, and mobility in communications. The organizational structure and its information environment have also changed. Emphasis in personnel management focuses on such human qualities as emotional intelligence, creativity, emotionality. A clear balance of various activities of the company, a decrease in routine operations and the number of unskilled workers, an increase in the share of creative work, support and motivation of creative personnel - trends in the development of the organization of the future. Personnel management technologies cover all management functions and have their own specific sub-functions. The planning of the work of personnel is formed in accordance with the mission of the organization and the career strategy of a particular employee. Planning is done from a development strategy to specific operational plans. The organization of relations with the employer also undergoes changes both in the formal plane (today employees have several employers; they work as freelancers, contractors, etc.), as well as in the technologies of interaction and organization of group work. The development of the enterprise management system as an ecosystem involves the formation of an organization development strategy, HR strategy. They contain the values of the organization as a producer of goods and services and as an employer; enable the development of corporate culture and positioning of each employee in relation to the development of the organization. This approach allows us to consider the modern technology of personnel management in accordance with the main sub-functions. These include: strategic workforce planning; search, recruitment; staff training and development; management of staff efficiency; staff motivation through recognition and reward; career development of personnel, motivation for leadership.

Author Biography

N. Hutsulyak, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

старший викладач


Галузеві тренди. 09/$FILE/ey-kbd-trends-2018-09.pdf

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Тенденції у сфері управління персоналом — 2018


