Principles of management of marketing potential of higher education institutions.
marketing potential, management principles, components of marketing potential, marketing potential management of higher education institutionsAbstract
The principles of marketing potential management of higher education institutions are revealed and substantiated on the basis of the analysis of the principles of organizational management, principles of organizational capacity management and principles of higher education institution management. The expediency of allocating principles in any management activity is substantiated. Principles that are common to all of the above mentioned management areas have been identified. In the course of the study, the principles of managing the marketing potential of higher education institutions were grouped into five groups: universal, informational, general, people-oriented and financial. The selected groups of principles will allow for focusing on the main areas of marketing potential management. The importance of taking into account the principle of circularity in managing components of marketing potential in higher education institutions is emphasized in the article. The "development components" and "aggressor components" of marketing potential are identified, their influence on the activity of the higher education institution and the stages of the life cycle of these components are indicated. The essence of marketing potential management at each stage is revealed.References
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