Theoretical aspects of demographic sustainability.


  • S. Kozlovskyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • A. Nepytaliuk Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



demographic structure, demographic sustainability, economy growth, economic strategy, economic sustainability


Both natural and migration processes affect the population’s size and structure, determining the scale of public production. The nature of those interrelations – considering the constant need to improve the system of public administration and to increase the social welfare as well – requires a profound study. The national macroeconomic strategy should be designed, regarding the introduction of demographic sustainability as the basic category to ensure endogenous growth. The purpose of this paper is to analyze, to systematize and to develop the theoretical and methodological determination approaches to the category of demographic sustainability as well as to outline its role in the economic growth processes’ acceleration under conditions of globalization. Theoretical and methodological bases of this study are represented by the scientific works, addressing the problem in question, of domestic and foreign scientists. The dialectical, systemic and structural approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and scientific abstraction were applied. Empirical experience proves that the GDP’s dynamics is influenced by the plurality of natural (total population and population density, specific weight of economically active population, fertility and mortality rates, average life expectancy, etc.) and mechanical (character and dynamics of migration, level of migrants’ qualifications etc.) factors. The national production’s efficiency could be enhanced by the achievement of the social environment’s sustainable and predictable state and by the integration of demographic variables into the production function’s model as well. The category of demographic sustainability could and should be integrated into the social and economic development strategy in order to increase productive potential, to activate both human and physical capital’s growth as well as to raise public welfare.

Author Biographies

S. Kozlovskyi, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

д. е. н., професор

A. Nepytaliuk, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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How to Cite

Kozlovskyi, S. and Nepytaliuk, A. 2020. Theoretical aspects of demographic sustainability. Economiсs and organization of management. 3(35) (Jan. 2020), 59-69. DOI:


