Improving the supervision of troubled banks.


  • V. Volkova ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса
  • S. Ispaniuk ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса



bank, banking supervision, rating systems of banking supervisors, operational risks, on-site banking supervision


The article deals with the main indicators of the banking system of Ukraine and the mechanism of identifying risks in the activities of banking institutions. The main positive and negative methods of supervision in the banking sector are highlighted. Problems and main directions of improvement of banking supervision of Ukraine are defined. The classification of banking supervision over the stages of existence is supplemented by another important type, namely, special supervision over troubled and insolvent banks. The use of rating systems of banking supervision in Ukraine, which will allow more accurately and quickly identify possible problems in the work of banking institutions of the country, is proposed. The international practice of management of problem assets of banks is analyzed. The main results of inspections in recent years on the basis of which the recommendations of the NBU on the adjustment of the main performance indicators were given and proposed their own in order to bring Ukrainian banking standards to the world. Key performance indicators have been adjusted.

Author Biographies

V. Volkova, ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фінансів та банківської справи

S. Ispaniuk, ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса



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