Development trends of the automotive market and its impact on the ecologization of Ukraine.


  • Yu. Kosteniuk Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University
  • I. Kryzhanivska Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University



level of air pollution, ecologization, eco-vehicles, development of the automotive industry


The article investigated the level of air pollution by vehicles. Using mathematical modeling, the relationship between the growth trend in the number of vehicles and an increase in harmful emissions is revealed. It was revealed that the production and sale of electric vehicles have a significant impact on greening. This is due to the efficiency, environmental friendliness and ease of use of electric vehicles. However, at the moment there are problems with the presence of an extensive network of electric power stations and the complexity of their maintenance. State support to eliminate these shortcomings and the popularization of electric vehicles in Ukraine will soon make this type of transport affordable and convenient to use. In today's realities of increasing the effectiveness of the automotive industry functioning, it is possible due to the creation of a competitive automobile industry in Ukraine, expanding the assortment, developing and introducing the concept of new high-quality domestic premium cars, using world experience in the development of the automotive industry. This applies primarily to eco-vehicles to ensure domestic demand and the future realization of the export prospects.

Author Biographies

Yu. Kosteniuk, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

PhD, Associate professor

I. Kryzhanivska, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

Master student


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