Features of the selection of IT specialists: newest approaches.
personnel, staff recruitment, IT specialists, business entities, headhunting, recruiting, screening, preliminaringAbstract
The importance of ensuring high-quality selection of personnel, especially IT field specialists, is substantiated. The characteristics and limits of the use of internal and external recruitment processes are characterized. The generalized sequence of procedures for the closure of vacancies of IT specialists has been determined. The content of each of the three stages of the selection of IT specialists is established – the search, selection and adoption of the final decision. It has been substantiated that the selection of candidates for the IT field is usually carried out through an interview, which is organized in three stages: direct communication of candidates with a recruiter or personnel manager; checking the level of knowledge of a foreign (usually English) language by the candidate and a technical interview. The scheme of the personnel selection process in the IT firm is structured. The specifics of the implementation of such methods of staff recruitment as headhunting, recruiting, screening and planning are specified. The advantages of using recruitment agencies at the closing of the most complex vacancies (top management and specialists with unique professional knowledge) are identified. The features of the choice of each method of recruitment for various positions of the IT company’s staff list are established.References
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