Methodical approaches for estimation of structural transformation of the countries of the world and Ukraine in globalization conditions.
structural transformation, estimation, approaches, Bertelsmann index, Gatey's index, Salai index, Ryabtsev indexAbstract
The article substantiates the necessity of an assessment of the structural transformation of the countries of the world and Ukraine in the conditions of globalization. It is proposed to use three approaches to assess the structural transformation of the country: the approach to assess the transformation by the level of the Bertelsmann index; the approach of structural differences in the number of employed by types of economic activity by the Ryabtsev index and the approach to assessing the structural transformation of the economy by type of economic activity. According to the results of the assessment of the transformation by the level of the index Bertelsmann found that, according to his level, the countries of transition economy were divided into European and post-Soviet countries. The dynamics of the Bertelsman Index for countries with economies in transition for 2006-2016 allowed them to conclude that their internal inconsistencies highlighted the existence of a structural transformation. The results of the evaluation of the structural differences in the number of employed by types of economic activity allowed to reveal significant structural differences through the various phases of the «postkonradyev» long wave: the economy of the 1990's was in the ascending phase, and the economy in 2017 entered the downward phase. The results of the assessment of the structural transformation of the economy by types of economic activity allowed to reveal significant structural differences for the investigated period. Further research will be aimed at substantiating the modeling of the structural transformation of the country's economy in order to predict its sectoral structure taking into account globalization challenges.References
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