Category-concept concept of a city economic study.
city, city economy, integrated development, socio-economic system, management mechanismAbstract
The article emphasizes the urgency and justification of the implementation of the principles and approaches of the concept of integrated urban development with the aim of improving the management and solving of numerous problems in the city's social and economic system.
The existing scientific approaches to the understanding of the essence of the urban economy, their role in the national economy, which determines the policy of the metropolises, as well as the main tendencies characterizing the directions of the modern city economy's development, are generalized and developed.
The necessity of solving this task on the principles of systemicity is presented, which is connected with the existing and close interconnection of systems of different levels and the need to increase the level and quality of life of the population. The stages of the city's development are identified and the main essential characteristics of the development of cities are determined, multidimensionality and complexity of the management of integrated development of the city are shown.
The article argues that mobility of resources between cities and regions must be promoted, avoiding their concentration in a large, dominant city. It is also emphasized that the city's economy as a complex social and economic system forms the sphere of functioning of productive forces, economic relations and the mechanism of management, the interaction between which characterizes the totality of organizational forms and types of economic activity.
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